And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. John 12:32
Driving to Tallahassee listening to a snarky puppy album and meditating on the sermon, I just heard from Pastor Joey, "Potential to Production" I started to appreciate what I was listening to, how all of them could come together from different places for one purpose. I immediately thought of what it would look like if we all collaborated on material based upon scripture.
Since I was a kid I have been writing songs but the idea that I had in my head was always bigger than just myself. It was never about just being an artiste, it was always about building platform of community and I never understood why, I was afraid to do it by myself and God showed me I was never meant to carry it out by myself. So then I begin to share my idea with my inner circle prayed over it got their input and started to build my core team, singers, band, and now here we are God has blessed me with an amazing family, that our only common goal is to make Jesus famous. The ultimate mission is to create a community of creatives who value collaboration and honoring God through creativity.